Reviews You Can Rely On

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Rylee shows off the wearable design of the Hiplok V1.50 while running ...
Rylee shows off the wearable design of the Hiplok V1.50 while running an errand.
Credit: Ben Riley

Rylee Sweeney

Review Editor

Born and raised on the west coast, Rylee is a lover of all things out of doors, out of bounds and out and back. The very-American idea of the open road has led her to bike tour all over this country and south. She also enjoys vertical backpacking, regular backpacking, rock climbing, flower identifying, running, and swimming. Currently, her passion is being poured into becoming a health care practitioner by means of nursing school.

Showing 1-5 of 5 by Rylee Sweeney
best bike locks

Best Bike Locks of 2024

If you ride a bicycle for recreation, fitness, sanity, or transportation (or all), you need a bike lock. Given the...
How to Choose a Bike Lock

How to Choose a Bike Lock

Need help selecting the right lock for you? This article helps you identify what aspects are important to you to...
OnGuard Akita 8041 Review

OnGuard Akita 8041 Review

This model is a simple-to-use, six-foot cable combination bike lock that can be reset to the combo of your choice...